

You can’t eradicate all unwholesome deeds if you don’t uphold the Five Precepts. Your cultivation of myriad practices, let alone becoming a Buddha, won’t be successful if you don’t uphold Bodhisattva Precepts. If you can’t eliminate unwholesome deeds and cultivate good ones, how can you possibly receive the unsurpassed happiness and benefits from the Buddhadharma? You should diligently cultivate your blessings!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Attaining Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #Cultivate blessings #Eradicate karma #Happiness #The Five Precepts #Unwholesome deeds



A single cause requires the help of many conditions in order for its effects to come to fruition. When the time comes and all the necessary conditions are present, there will certainly be an effect. What kind of effect? It depends entirely on the wholesome and unwholesome causes that we create, which yield the effects of suffering and happiness. If the time has yet to come, there might not be an effect.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddhist cultivation #Cause and conditions #Cause and Effect #Eradicate karma #Happiness #Karma #Suffering #Unwholesome deeds #Venerable Master Miao Lien #Wholesome deeds